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In Lausanne  between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

HYPNOSIS : what’s it?


In Lausanne between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

You have a phobia, fear, addiction, physical or emotional weight that makes your life miserable.Thanks to hypnosis, you can change that !

Here are some of the problems that hypnosis can help you solve, knowing that hypnosis is only a tool and that the therapist is like a GPS that guides you on your way.

With regard to the phobia of certain animals (dogs, snakes, insects, etc.), claustrophobia, fear of crowds, fear of emptiness, fear of flying, fear of being alone, etc., it should be known that these phobias are simply the result of unfounded fear due to an emotional loop that has not been closed at some point in time.

By closing this loop, the phobia disappears and your life changes completely.As for anxieties and fears, they can have several sources but, by going to their source, the unconscious will free itse.lf from them.

The unconscious, in brackets, is the whole part that is in automatic mode when you walk, you drive, all these actions and thoughts that are done without anyone being aware of them.

The conscious part represents about 10% of our actions. It is thanks to this part that we make calculations, that we have logical reasoning, that we think.

This is the analytical part.Of course, when I say that the unconscious is liberated, there is also work to be done.

Addictions are usually due to injuries that originate in childhood and cause the person to become addicted to certain substances or actions.

The work on addictions is different from the work on phobias, but this work can yield results on several things.

A person who eats too much and is addicted to food will only rebalance himself if his childhood injury has been healed and positive values have been given for his reconstruction.

The same goes for people who are very thin and do not gain weight.

The recovery of normal weight will be done according to the same process.

Hypnosis helps people to concentrate better, memorize better, make life choices, communicate better with themselves.

In any case, it will bring about profound changes.Let’s go back to what hypnosis is, it’s a modified natural state of consciousness.

Adults enter this state about every 90 minutes. When you read a book or watch a series, you are in this state.

When you drive your car without knowing how you arrived in front of your home, it is also a state of hypnosis.

We will reproduce this state in the office knowing that you have already experienced it very often.

People in hypnosis do not sleep.

On the contrary, they access certain areas of their brain that they do not have access to in their usual state.

The person under hypnosis keeps his or her free will, does only what he or she deems acceptable to do,  is free to accept or refuse suggestions; this means that the therapist or hypnotist cannot do anything to a person without his or her consent.

Although people in trance look passive, they do a lot of work on themselves, the therapist is only there to accompany them and supervise this state.You can’t get stuck in this state.

Therapeutic hypnosis is very different from show hypnosis. The two do not have the same purpose.

if you want to solve one of the problems I mentioned.

I invite you to do so by clicking on the link below the video.

In Lausanne between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

By hypnosis

Seeing your ex kiss someone without feeling anything, after three weeks, is that possible?

Can a mourning last 21 days? What does this mourning reveal about us?

In Lausanne  between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

Can a mourning last 21 days? What does this mourning reveal about us?

Seeing your ex kiss someone without feeling anything, after three weeks, is that possible?

I will try to answer the three questions I asked at the beginning of this video, explaining in detail what happens in the case of a mourning or a loving separation.

I will explain my revolutionary solution to you by its effectiveness. Let’s take the example of someone who comes to my office.

He comes to me because he is aware of the problem he wants to solve.The person wants to lose weight or gain weight. The patient wants to stop an addiction, get rid of a phobia.

In the case of mourning, it is much more complex. People come to forget their exes quickly, in 21 days according to my method. What they don’t realize is that this caused pain reveals childhood wounds that were just reactivated by the separation.

We will treat these injuries from the most recent to the oldest.However, the person is not aware of his or her previous injuries.

There are five great wounds to the soul: abandonment, rejection, injustice, betrayal, humiliation.

We all have them in us, but with different dominances.

I will choose a fairly frequent wound which is that of abandonment.The person will tend to fill this gap with food, sweets and snacks in his or her daily life.

This person can easily gain weight unconsciously; they do not do it voluntarily. People suffering from this injury have often suffered from childhood abandonment by someone of the opposite sex.  

This may be due to a divorce, a parent who is absent or working all the time, or a deceased parent. It can also occur very early in a baby: he will cry for 10 seconds, 20, 30, then 1 minute, 3, 4, 5, 15, 30 minutes and no one will come to meet his emotional needs.

The baby doesn’t think his mother didn’t hear him, he just thinks, “I was abandoned. »

It is this wound that can be reactivated during a separation.

People with this wound can’t stand to be alone, they always have the TV on in the background of their homes so they don’t feel this loneliness.

They do everything to be in a relationship, even if this relationship does not bring them satisfaction: it serves to fill a void.

People who suffer from this pain think they cannot live independently of each other and are ready to suffer terrible things such as deception,domestic violence, an alcoholic or addicted husband, but despite these things they cling.
These people, when they find themselves alone, they will rush to the social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and others…  

They will call people around them to fill this void. They are generally individuals for whom it is inconceivable to travel alone in a foreign country.

Even for some people, eating alone in a great restaurant is inconceivable, or going to the cinema without being accompanied. 

It is a person who, having a relationship with someone who has to go away for a long period of time, will cheat on them or leave them so that they are no longer alone; especially if their spouse does not call them every day and does not reassure them.

These are people who often confuse love and object of love. They always aspire to be fulfilled by one or more others.  

The person with this injury is very jealous and possessive.

She has an uncontrollable desire to know all the time where her spouse is, with whom, what he or she is doing and, above all, when he or she will return.

These people also adopt this behavior with their children, they are generally suffocating parents.

These people have an inordinate desire for sex because it makes them feel like they are living and fills a void.

Generally, when you meet these people, they are always accompanied by their spouses at parties, family reunions, and even at work if they can. Physically, they are generally well coated and with broad, drooping shoulders.

They will tend to attract either people with the wounds of rejection or narcissistic perverts. And all of these are one of the wounds. But often, our reactions are due to one or more dominant lesions.

So, before reaching the source of this injury and the triggering event, we will transform memories that have a negative impact into emotionally neutral memories. We will do it by going through them one by one, going from the present to the past.

At the rate of 2 sessions per week over 3 weeks. At the last session, once we have reflected on all the serious wounds of the past, we will establish positive values, such as courage, self-acceptance, confidence in oneself, etc…

So, yes, it is possible to mourn in 21 days if you want to face your injuries.

And here is the impact on your future you would no longer reproduce the same patterns, neither at the relational nor at the professional level.

You will no longer be attracted to the same kind of people and you will no longer attract the same people either.

You will make new choices in your life that will be more in harmony with yourself.

If before working on these wounds you had problems attracting money, it is very likely that it would be reversed.

I don’t forget my last question which is: is it possible to see your ex kiss someone, without feeling anything after 21 days?

I would answer it by telling you the story of a patient who came to treat a loving separation. Her man had just left her. She was madly in love with him.  

She worked with him and after 6 sessions of work on her pain which was rejection. She saw him at a party at their workplace kissing another woman and it didn’t do anything to her.

It was like she saw two strangers kissing. Her colleagues were surprised that she was not feeling anything. It sounds magical, but it’s not magical in 21 days you’re going to cry a lot, you’ll have painful clicks and memories of your past that will come back. But at the end of the tunnel, you will see the light.

It’s a considerable effort and you don’t have to stop in the middle of therapy as it can be destructive. This is also why I carefully select the people who are motivated, and why when during the booking process,

I request that the 6 sessions should be booked at intervals of 3 to 4 days between the sessions.

if you want to solve this problem.

I invite you to do so by clicking on the link below the video.

In Lausanne  between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

Relationship process

Why are you attracted to the same people in love and friendship?

Why you reproduce the same patterns in your relationships?

Why do you attract the same kind of people?

And why don’t you attract the right people?

In Lausanne between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

Why are you attracted to the same people in love and friendship?

Why do you reproduce the same patterns in your relationships?

Why do you attract the same kind of people? And why don’t you attract the right people?

I will try to explain the attraction process in order to answer the questions raised above.

We are attracted either physically, mentally and emotionally by people who either compensate for a lack in 90% of cases, or who bring something more into our lives, something that elevates us.

You’ll probably think, “But how is it missing? I am with this person because I love him, not because I lack him. »

Well, don’t get me wrong.

In most cases, we are attracted and we attract people who will allow us to heal a large or several large wounds due to our childhood.

We do it unconsciously. As long as everything is going well in the relationship, we don’t realize it. We can become aware of this at the time of separation.

I am talking about a relationship as much in love as in friendship or family. This awareness can also occur after a death, illness or other significant event.

This separation will reactivate this wound or wounds of the soul.

There are five great wounds to the soul:






We all have them in us, but with different dominances.

I will choose a fairly frequent wound which is that of abandonment.

The person will tend to fill this gap with food, sweets and snacks in his or her daily life.This person can easily gain weight unconsciously; they do not do it voluntarily.

People suffering from this injury have often suffered from childhood abandonment by someone of the opposite sex.  

This may be due to a divorce, a parent who is absent or working all the time, or a deceased parent.

It can also occur very early in a baby: he will cry for 10 seconds, 20, 30, then 1 minute, 3, 4, 5, 15, 30 minutes and no one will come to meet his emotional needs.

The baby doesn’t think his mother didn’t hear him, he just thinks, “I was abandoned. »

It is this wound that can be reactivated during a separation.

People with this wound can’t stand to be alone, they always have the TV on in the background of their homes so they don’t feel this loneliness.

They do everything to be in a relationship, even if this relationship does not bring them satisfaction: it serves to fill a void.

People who suffer from this pain think they cannot live independently of each other and are ready to suffer terrible things such as deception,domestic violence, an alcoholic or addicted husband, but despite these things they cling.
These people, when they find themselves alone, they will rush to the social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and others…  

They will call people around them to fill this void. They are generally individuals for whom it is inconceivable to travel alone in a foreign country.

Even for some people, eating alone in a great restaurant is inconceivable, or going to the cinema without being accompanied. 

It is a person who, having a relationship with someone who has to go away for a long period of time, will cheat on them or leave them so that they are no longer alone; especially if their spouse does not call them every day and does not reassure them.

These are people who often confuse love and object of love. They always aspire to be fulfilled by one or more others. The person with this injury is very jealous and possessive.

She has an uncontrollable desire to know all the time where her spouse is, with whom, what he or she is doing and, above all, when he or she will return.

These people also adopt this behavior with their children, they are generally suffocating parents.

These people have an inordinate desire for sex because it makes them feel like they are living and fills a void.

Generally, when you meet these people, they are always accompanied by their spouses at parties, family reunions, and even at work if they can.

Physically, they are generally well coated and with broad, drooping shoulders.

They will tend to attract either people with the wounds of rejection or narcissistic perverts.

The person suffering from rejection will tend, in the event of a problem, to run away without wanting to discuss.

These people will want to anticipate the needs of the other in the relationship until they forget themselves.

And it is when the person with the wound of rejection forgets himself that the person with the wound of abandonment no longer loves him.

People who have been rejected have a slim build as if their bodies should take up as little space as possible.

In a relationship, they will tend to leave, while those suffering from abandonment will do everything to be left.

People with the rejection wound are very seductive, they always want to please and be accepted in a group.

They will do everything to meet the needs of others. They will tend to have savior syndrome, I will come back to this in a lecture that explains unconscious patterns in relationships.

While those suffering from abandonment will tend to take on the role of the victim. I will develop the other four wounds during my conferences.

In fact, I invite you to book a place in advance on the booking page.

So all our attractions and the characters of the people we attract are the result of these childhood wounds.

That is why I often receive people with the same type of wound:

they complain that they are always attracted to the same kind of people, that in their relationship with others.

it always happens in the same way and that it also ends in the same way.

So you will ask me: “What is the solution in this case? »

All you have to do is change your behavior.

It’s easy to say, but it’s not that simple, since it’s unconscious.

How do you want to change something you are not aware of? How do you catch a ghost you don’t see?

The solution I have implemented is explained as follows:

Already, the wound must be reactivated by a separation, a mourning, a click or something else.

Then, the person must not just try to calm this wound in order to forget it and move on. The patient must want to heal.

He must be ready to face his past in order to repair it. If so, I agree to support him with my skills and expertise.

It is a therapy that is done over twenty-one days, with two sessions per week.

The person will work on himself in my office and after leaving the office. The unconscious will do the work.

There will be emotions that will come back: anger, sadness, disgust, regret, etc., but also memories buried within the person.

The first phase will consist in changing his memory from bad to neutral by going from the present to the past.

The second step will be to repair the past with a technique that I discovered while working on myself and that has proven its worth on many patients.

The last phase will consist in installing positive values to build your present and your future.

After these twenty-one days, you will change, and many things will change in your life.

You will automatically move away from your toxic relationships, you will attract the right people, and you will also go to new opportunities in your work, you will travel, you will meet new friendships, maybe a move… 

You will make new choices in your life, choices that will be more in harmony with yourself.

If before working on these injuries you had problems attracting money,

it is very likely that the phenomenon would be reversed.

if you want to solve this problem.

I invite you to do so by clicking on the link below the video.

In Lausanne between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022


Is it normal to be stressed when you are in public and need to talk? Make a presentation? Make an exam ?

When we are on a date? But is it possible to stop stressing so much?And what explains this excessive state of stress?

In Lausanne  between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

Is it normal to be stressed when you are in public and need to talk? Make a presentation? Take an exam? When we’re on a date?

Yes, that’s normal. But is it possible to stop stressing so much? Or even not to stress at all? And what explains this excessive state of stress?

So yes, I also stress in front of a camera, in front of people, singing on stage or when a very pretty woman invites me to a date.But it is simply a positive and therefore manageable stress.

Do you know what the second biggest fear is after the fear of dying in the majority of people?

It’s public speaking.

It is therefore normal for you to be stressed because public speaking is not a natural act.I can reassure you.

Today, the most successful people are not necessarily the most competent people in your company, they are the ones who are comfortable speaking in public. It is people who manage this stress as many would dream of doing.

There is nothing magical about all this, but a work to be done on your unconscious. If you make a mistake or stutter once or twice, do you risk your life?

No. Of course not, of course not. Will the people who are listening to you be angry with you? No, either.

Simply, managing stress is done at a level you don’t see. It is done at the level of the unconscious.

In most cases, this is settled in two sessions. At least, to mitigate it significantly.

There are rare cases where this stress is due to a distant event in the past, it may take a little longer, but these are quite infrequent cases.

In consultation, I will work on two things: first, I will search for the origin of stress and then, in a second step, I will define the qualities you have in you so that they can be brought to the surface.

I also install a spare wheel in the person who consults that will allow him to deactivate this stress in any situation (except in case of life or death where, there, the stress is necessary).

During a conference, I will give demonstrations of stress management under hypnosis and reveal a technique to better manage it.

If you want to solve this problem.

I invite you to do so by clicking on the link below the video.

In Lausanne  between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

Hypnosis : why this way?

Who is Mr Belk?

In Lausanne between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

interview from the Dutch magazine nora gouma : https://www.noragouma.com/interview-with-hypnotherapist-belk/

Happiness, fulfilment, healthy relationship, freedom, travel, financial independence and prosperity, personal development.

Hypnosis, NLP, unconsciousness, regression, EFT, EMDR, coaching, cold yoga, alternative medicine, neuroscience, psychology, sociology, energy, philosophy and spirituality…

If all this resonates in you, let me tell you about my journey, what led me to become a hypnotherapist, to master and be interested in all the subjects I just mentioned.

I am 38 years old, I often travel around the world to treat patients who suffer, for the most part, from the five major wounds that we have all had in us since childhood.

What led me to help others and to improve myself are the results I obtained indirectly by listening, questioning and discussing with many people around me, whether at work, with family or with friends.

These discussions had an impact on them and, later, on their lives.At the age of 26, I hitchhiked around Europe.  Later, I met people through my various trips around the world: people of all colors, religions and cultures; they spoke other languages and came from different social backgrounds.

And my observation was the same: we are all human, we are sad in the same way in Asia, Africa or Europe.

We are happy too, we get angry, we feel rage, pride, ups and downs. We also experience love worries, family problems, jealousy, grief, separation, financial problems.

In short, as humans, we feel the same emotions and face the same problems.

 We all carry within us, to different degrees, the same childhood wounds.

All these elements, combined with my love of travelling and discovering, make me help people all over the world today and keep learning new techniques to improve myself every day.

What encouraged me to continue what I do every day and to be fulfilled inside are the emails, the thank-you notes

I received afterwards, the life changes I saw, the transformation in people’s eyes between the beginning and the end of the therapy.

All these intangible elements are for me a source of motivation and my greatest wealth.

I let you discover my other videos and how I can help you.

And I look forward to seeing you soon!

In Lausanne between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

Hypnosis or magic?

In Lausanne  between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

If you think the magic comes from the therapist or hypnosis techniques. I’m sorry to disappoint you but the magic comes from you!

The therapist is only there to accompany you on this journey. The therapist does 50% of the work and you do the other 50%. I have refused people before because my primary motivation is to help people and to see change after a certain period of time. Thank-you notes and support emails are my greatest satisfaction when I do my job. I always conduct a video interview with the person before they come to identify their needs and also to assess their level of motivation. Why am I doing this? I’ll tell you a little anecdote.

I recently received a young man. He sits comfortably in the chair and I ask him what I can do for him. He told me that his grandparents sent him to me.

I asked him again. “They sent me because they want me to quit smoking.” I told him that the session was over and that next time he could send his grandparents to me.

I am telling you this little story simply to show you that it takes work and a willingness on both sides to get results. If you don’t want to change, you may have the best therapist in the world, but you won’t change.

There are exercises to do and advice to follow to the letter. Some therapies will cause emotional upheavals by touching past wounds to heal them.

You will face some dark facets of your personality that you didn’t even know you had. The path is not easy, but after the rain and the storm you will have the rainbow.

I have many reservations and people asking for my help. I think that if a person is not ready to change, he or she must give up his or her place to someone who really needs it.

And above all, my time in each country is very limited. If despite everything I have said to you you want to book, it already shows a certain motivation.

In Lausanne  between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

Hypnosis : patient testimonials


Jenny 24 years old from Philippines

Acrophobia and stress management

In Lausanne  between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022


Jenny 27 years old from USA


In Lausanne  between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022


Samuel 27 years old from USA

Premature ejaculation

In Lausanne  between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022


Chan 32 years old from Bangkok


In Lausanne  between 1 September2022 and 28 September2022

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